The 2024 intake for AKD’s Apprenticeship Program is now open.
This year they have 29 new apprenticeship positions being offered nationally, covering Fitter and Turners, Fabricators, Electricians, Saw Technicians and Wood Machinists. These positions are split across their sites, x 8 in Colac (VIC), x 6 in Caboolture (QLD), x 4 in Tumut (NSW), x 4 in Yarram (VIC), x 1 in Portland (VIC) and x 5 in Oberon (NSW).
AKD’s apprentice program has continued to grow over the years. Showing their commitment to developing and sustaining the right skills needed by the organisation, both now and in the future.
AKD has over 70 apprentices in training, reflecting approximately 1 in 15 AKD employees as trade apprentices. This reinforces AKD’s approach to train and develop its people, and to ensure trade-based skills are available for the longer term to support their ongoing sawmilling operations.
Mark Costolloe, National Training Manager at AKD said “Trade development is not a short-term investment, with apprenticeships taking 3-4 years to complete. Apprenticeships are a joint commitment between the apprentice and AKD; a real investment in the relationship and ongoing future.”
AKD also continues to invest in its cutting-edge equipment and innovative technology. This creates exciting development and training opportunities, not just for trade related jobs, but for all employees operating and supporting the business.
Mr Costolloe continued, “AKD apprentices work on state-of-the-art equipment and technology, are trained by highly skilled and experienced tradespeople, and also have a supportive and entrenched program to ensure they can perform to their best and create a long-term career in a national business.”
Clark Rodger, AKD’s General Manager of Human Resources said “we want to continue to see our team build in its diversity, including in gender, skills, experience and culture. We encourage applications from internal and external candidates, as well as school leaver and mature aged individuals”.
Applications will remain open until 31st October. Contact AKD or visit their website for more information.
2024 National Apprentice Program_ AKD Media Release 09th Oct 2023 2024 Apprenticehip Launch – National – A4